AGT Website Proposal
31 December 2018
Woodford Folk Festival
1 January 2019User Research
My ex-colleague had told me that she is a dyslexia sufferer before I recognize the term of ‘dyslexic’. In the graphic design work environment, she frequently needs other assists on checking the spelling mistake for doing the packaging labelling, graphic artworks such as brochures or flyers with wordings. She has hidden the symptom of dyslexia to the manager, as correct spelling ability is one of the significant tasks in graphic or packaging design. The some assistive technology may help her check the spelling in digital mode but she spends more time to recognize the handwritten job brief. It is a hidden pain when she being blamed or scolded when she makes the spelling mistakes on her works and complained by client or boss. In addition, the negative emotion such as frustration and depressed feelings will affect her and make her feel helpless. She is talented in drawing, sketching and design works but dyslexia symptoms affected her by losing self-confident in working. With her story, I strongly agree that some innovation design have to create to assist them in working environment and studies.

In the user research study, positive emotion and encouragement is important for the people with dyslexia, both in schools and working environment. Besides, the assistive technology or study system in education is important solution to ease the frustration/anxiety feelings on people with dyslexia by understanding or writing words differently.